As absurd as this may initially sound, the most dangerous part of air travel might just be boarding a plane! Or, more specifically, touching any part of one once you’re onboard. A bit preposterous? Not really. In fact, there’s a lot more truth to this than any of us would probably like to believe.
While any enclosed space that’s occupied by people is susceptible to microbial contamination, very few environments are more notorious for, or proficient at collecting, breeding and spreading harmful microorganisms than commercial airliners.
With so many people packed so densely in such a confined area; seats, seat back pockets, carpets and more impregnated with dirt, dander, sweat, bacteria, and whatever other contaminants are being tracked in by, or coughed or sneezed out of passengers; hundreds of surfaces that endure thousands of touches, and HVAC Systems that perpetually circulate it all throughout, airplane passenger cabins are by far the most germ-ridden environments many people ever encounter.
For some prospective on just how germy aircraft cabins can be, consider that the average public toilet seat is host to about 80 harmful bacteria per square inch. That’s right, an average of 80 germs per every little 1” X 1” bit of surface area! Considering that over 80% of infectious diseases are spread by skin touching everyday surfaces, you’re likely to find this at least a little concerning. But then again, we are talking about a public toilet, so a little such nastiness is unlikely to shock anyone who’s ever used, or even just seen one. However, even the most fearless flyers are bound to find the following shocking, if not downright terrifying!
Note the average number of bacteria* that inhabit each square inch the following airplane passenger cabin surfaces:
- Lavatory Flush Buttons: 95,145
- Seat Headrests and Seat Pockets: Over 12,000 each
- Tray-Tables: 11,595
- Overhead Luggage Bin Handles: 2,045
- Seat Belt Buckles: 1,116
To Minimize Your Risk of Getting Sick, Be Sure to Follow These Air Travel Tips:
- Wash Your Hands Frequently: Using soap and water, wash your hands by rubbing them together vigorously for at least 20 seconds, making sure to scrub all surfaces including fingertips and fingernails. Rinse well, then use clean paper towels to turn off the faucet and dry your hands. When soap isn’t available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Also, make it a habit to wash your hands before eating, after using the restroom, and after touching high-contact surfaces.
- Stay Hydrated: Airplane passenger cabins maintain very low humidity levels, which can dry out passengers’ nasal passages, therefore reducing their bodies’ ability to trap and fight off germs. Drinking water helps keep mucous membranes moist which, in turn, helps trap germs before they enter one’s system. Rather than counting on flight attendants to keep you hydrated, it’s a good idea to bring a refillable water bottle so you can drink regularly throughout your flight.
- Boost Your Immunity: Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep before your flight can strengthen your immune system. You should also consider taking immune system boosting supplements, such as Vitamin C and Zinc, with, of course, your doctor’s approval.
- Choose a Window Seat: Studies show that passengers seated next to a window are less likely to come into contact with others, and are therefore less exposed to germs. It’s also good to stay seated during flights to further reduce interactions with other passengers.
- Wear a Mask: A properly fitting mask can reduce your exposure to airborne particles, especially during flu season. Choosing a multi-layer mask can help, and treating any mask with PermaSafe SHIELD will impart it with microbiostatic properties that can further maximize protection by preventing the growth and spread of bacteria.
- Fly with PermaSafe CLEAN, Your Air Travel Hygiene Machine. PermaSafe CLEAN is a No Rinse or Wipe Required, “Spray it & Forget it,” All-Surface, Sanitizing Cleaner; Advanced Level Hospital Disinfectant; Odor Eliminator, and Mold, Mildew, Fungi, and Allergen Remover … that does it all and more without the use of any harsh or hazardous chemicals. It's a unique and powerful combination which, according to the CDC, makes CLEAN an “Ideal Disinfectant Cleaner,” and your Ideal Travel Companion!
What Makes CLEAN the Ideal Solution for Air Travel Pollution?
- One Step is All it Takes: PermaSafe CLEAN cleans, disinfects, and deodorizes in one time-saving step. And there’s no need to rinse or wipe after it’s applied, even on Food Contact Surfaces, just Spray it and Forget it!
- Fast and Effective: CLEAN eliminates up to 99.999% of harmful bacteria in under 60 Seconds.
- Does What Other Products Can’t: CLEAN kills harmful bacteria on surfaces other disinfectants can’t, including those that we’re in constant contact with when flying, such as: upholstery, carpeting, clothing, footwear, blankets, pillow cases and other items made of fabric; luggage, glass, touchscreens, keyboards, and just about every other item and material.
- Broad-Spectrum Protection: CLEAN is effective against a vast array of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pathogens, including E-Coli, H1N1, MRSA, Norovirus, HIV, RSV, Legionella, P. Aeruginosa, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Hepatitis A, B, and C, Ebola Virus, SARS-CoV-2, and many more.
- Uniquely Safe: CLEAN contains no harsh or hazardous chemicals, bleach, irritants or fragrances. It’s also hypoallergenic, non-staining, and EPA rated “Category IV” for toxicity, their very lowest rating, meaning no PPE is required to use it, and no scary Precautionary Statements appear on its labels. And because it’s food surface safe, you can use it on glassware, dishes, utensils, and more, with no need to rinse or wipe them after it’s applied. Simply spray, allow it to dry, and Bon Appetite!
- EPA and FAA Approved: PermaSafe CLEAN is specifically EPA registered and FAA approved for safe, effective use on all airplane passenger cabin surfaces.
- It’s as Convenient as Convenient Gets: CLEAN is available in 3oz Spray Bottles, the ideal size for every travel adventure.
How to Incorporate PermaSafe CLEAN Into Your Personal Travel Routine:
- Pre-Boarding, Pre-Treatment: Before boarding your flight, spray CLEAN on your personal items, including the handles of any carry-on suitcases and briefcases, your headphones, cellphones, laptops, travel pillows, and whatever else you plan to be in frequent contact with. In all cases, when possible, allow CLEAN to air dry for maximum effectiveness.
- Once Aboard: Upon locating your seat, use PermaSafe CLEAN to disinfect high-touch areas such as your tray table, seat, seatback and seatback pocket, armrests, seatbelt buckle, entertainment screen and other surfaces that you’ll be in contact with. Its no-rinse formula makes it simple, safe, and convenient to use, even in tight spaces.
- Post-Flight: Once you’ve arrived at your destination, use PermaSafe CLEAN to sanitize your luggage, shoes, and any other items that may have been exposed to germs during your journey.
- Upon Destination Arrival: Whether you’re staying in a hotel or visiting family, use PermaSafe CLEAN to disinfect commonly touched surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, TV remotes, countertops, bathroom surfaces, etc., to help ensure a safer environment throughout your stay.
Reducing Your Chances of Health Despair When You Choose to Travel by Air
Keeping germs, and the illnesses they cause at bay while traveling takes a combination of smart practices and reliable tools. By following these travel tips and utilizing PermaSafe CLEAN, anyone can significantly reduce their chances of contracting an illness during air travel.
Prepare for your next flight with confidence by adding PermaSafe CLEAN to your travel essentials. Click to Learn More About CLEAN and how it can help you and yours stay safe and healthy no matter where you are or how you got there.
*All bacteria values are in “CFU” (Colony-Forming Units), which refers to the number of viable bacteria cells, per square inch.
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