PermaSafe CLEAN is not only effective against many more microorganisms than the EPA requires for a Hospital Disinfectant to be labeled as “Broad Spectrum,” but also “Tuberculocidal,” a designation reserved for advanced level Hospital Disinfectants that have proven effective against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, a notoriously difficult to eliminate pathogen.

Because Mycobacterium Tuberculosis have among the highest levels of resistance among all bacteria, viruses, and fungi, effectiveness against it is recognized as a major antimicrobial benchmark that signifies a Hospital Disinfectant with considerably higher germicidal potency that’s effective against a much broader range of pathogens, including such antimicrobial resistant ones as Hepatitis A, B & C, MRSA, Fungi, Coxsackie Virus, Polio Virus and more (FIGURE 1).

Tuberculocidal is an important antimicrobial benchmark that signifies a Hospital Disinfectant with considerably higher germicidal potency that’s effective against a much broader range of pathogens, including such antimicrobial resistant ones as Hepatitis A, B & C, MRSA, Clostridium Difficile, Norovirus, Adenovirus, Poliovirus and others.

The CDC designates Hospital Disinfectants without a Tuberculocidal Claim as a Low-Level Disinfectants, and Hospital Disinfectant with a Tuberculocidal Claim as an Intermediate-Level, the highest level a conventional disinfectant cleaner can achieve. Tuberculocidal Disinfectants also meet OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogen Surface Disinfection Standards. See Complete Microorganism Kill List Here.


FIGURE. Decreasing order of resistance of microorganisms to germicidal chemicals

Chart showing how different microorganisms resist germicidal chemicals and the increasing level of strength required to kill them.

Source: Adapted from Bond WW, Ott BJ, Franke K, McCracken JE. Effective use of liquid chemical germicides on medical devices; instrument design problems. In: Block SS, ed. Disinfection, sterilization and preservation. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lea & Gebiger, 1991:1100.