Very few disinfectants or sanitizers are EPA registered for both safe and antimicrobially effective use on the many different surfaces that fill our homes, businesses and other environments in which we live our lives. Check the labels of other disinfectant cleaners and you’ll see that the vast majority are limited to cleaning and disinfecting Hard, Non-Porous, Non-Food Contact Surfaces, such as sealed concrete kitchen and bathroom floors, finished metal fixtures, and stainless-steel countertops.
While perhaps suitable for some uses, few people live or work in environments comprised solely of hard, industrial surfaces, and devoid of Soft Surfaces, such as upholstered furniture, wood, carpets, curtains, clothing, footwear, bedding, and other fabric and textile products; Food Contact Surfaces, which include glassware, cookware, and every other item used to prepare, cook, serve or consume food or beverages; and other Sensitive Surfaces, including computers, key boards, cell phones, touch-screens and other electronic devices.
Unlike most other antimicrobial products, CLEAN is EPA registered and proven to safely and effectively eliminate harmful bacteria on Hard, Soft and Food Contact Surfaces, making it the ideal sanitization solution for practically every inch of every residential, commercial, institutional and industrial space, as well as every item and surface in them. See CLEAN’s Direction for Use for more details.